Welcome to Yunlei’s NueroVerse, where she hides her “stars” in her mind

Just as the stars in the night sky ignite our sense of wonder and curiosity, the synaptic connections within our minds are an endless source of inspiration. In this celestial landscape of thoughts and ideas, each neuron represents a shining star, pulsating with electrical activity. These neurons form constellations of knowledge, intertwining to create the complex network that is the human brain.

Yunlei Liu

Neuroscience & Cinema

I want to connect millions of neurons of thoughts in my brain into thousands of stories through writing, photography, film, and music. My goal is to create a digital utopia for individuals interested in medicine, health, science, technology, and the arts to explore the connections between these fields. They can create depictions of themselves, their alter-egos, their angels, their devils, or whomever they want. Theirs is a room all of their own, for them to play, explore, think, and build…just as I have done here.